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Archive for the tag “rihanna”

My mission to get a banging body

I’m ashamed to say it. I really am. But I am secretly obsessed with Rihanna. I know, it’s not right. I seriously never paid any attention to her until last year, when I realized her music was great for workouts. I think I started liking her because of her more “edgy” look. Although it’s still manufactured, I kind of see it as one of the least irritating of all the other so-called “bad-girl” pop singers.

But in all fairness, I think real reason behind my “obsession” is this picture:


I saw this back in January I think, back when I was in my Pill and holiday-induced “chubby” period. I was already on my way to getting back in shape, as I’d started a two week detox (which went and was A-MAZING) and had discovered the joys of running (a godsend), but something about seeing this girl’s hot ass body made me decide I wanted to push a little further this time. And do it for good. Plus, I’d been inspired by bloggers like Heyfranhey, who promote healthy living and eating (particularly for black folk).  Plus, the girl who runs the blog has the sickest abs in the universe!

For the past couple of years I’ve been a super health/fitness nut.  Initially this started out as me wanting to lose weight (not necessarily in the healthiest of manners), but more recently I’ve been trying to focus on eating right and exercising.  I’ve always had an easy time changing my body, I guess I’m lucky in the sense that I know how to lose weight and it comes rather easily (the reverse comes easy too, but I stay on top of it).  But, my issue is that I’ve always been satisfied with being skinny.  Now I want more. I want to become more in-tune with my body so that I can master intuitive eating because I’ve mastered calorie counting, but don’t want to do all the time.  To me, it always feels like an annoying diet. I want to be able to eat and exercise without thinking about it, and have the body I want. In other words, I want to make a permanent lifestyle change.

I also want my body to be lean, yet curvy like the above picture. What attracts me to RihRih’s body in particular is that mine is a similar, shorter version.  I think she’s a good motivator, because she’s not too small (in this picture anyway), but is still fairly fit. She’s a realistic goal for me.


I mean seriously!? Her body is amazing. I will have those abs!

Since being on “vacation” in the States, I’ve eaten clean 90% of the time, and as a result I’ve knocked off four pounds and an inch everywhere. Now I’m stepping up the weight training to try to make some real progress.

So, I’ll be periodically updating about my quest for a healthier lifestyle (and banging body).  I want to be able to see abs by mid-August. If I get there, I think I’ll post a nice little results picture to prove I did it!

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